Shirley Sherrod is getting the SHAFT!!
No, not the Richard Roundtree type of Shaft.. She's getting absolutely screwed by the media that has taken a sound bite out of context and run with it.
I am against racism. I hate when black people say racist things just like I hate when white or any other race say racist things that are hateful.
Shirley Sherrod has been demonized for a sound bite that was taken out of context.
If you listen to the entire speech, you will see that she is a very thoughtful, intelligent,and wise woman. She should have NEVER resigned and moreover should have just ran this video to see what she really meant.
She was trying to show how she learned a valuable lesson about disregarding the color of someone's skin. I encourage you to take a listen before you demonize her. What do YOU think?
This is a link to the FULL video...
PS, I'm a Republican, possibly the only republican comedian who likes talking smack!
Scott! Post a new blog entry! Your fans are waiting!